我的德文老師是個做事很有條理,講解清晰的老師。學生都覺得她教得很好,可是她在Zoom向我們發問,也不見得一定有人回答。有時是不知道答案,有時是需要時間組織答案,有時純粹懶。課後我想起自己的學生,之前也寫過,就算我在Zoom問他們有沒有問題,他們也會用打字或者Zoom交叉的選項,甚至是unmute自己禮貌回答說沒有。無論我問什麼問題,總會有人回答。即使他們不知道確實答案,也會嘗試把手上的線索分享給大家,有時我會補充說明,有時會有另一個同學補充。有一次,我們在課堂有個深入討論,我把學生逐個逐個變成co-host,好讓每次都有一個學生可以cold-call邀請另一個學生發言,因為我希望課堂的中心不再是我,這樣他們會有更多機會參與。有一個男同學說他不想講,想不到課後他馬上寫了電郵向我道歉和解釋 😮
我突然覺得我好像一直被我的學生寵壞了。他們做到連我自己也做不到的事。我上了一堂課三小時已經有Zoom fatigue 🥱
剛剛有任教教育的教授問我Zoom教學的技巧。我覺得以下幾點都頗為重要。技術上的技巧網上很多,我就集中說一些rapport building的東西。因為是messenger copy過來,寫得很快,可能會有漏字和文字使用上不完美的地方。不喜勿看🤪
1. Make sure the students know each other and let them show their personality and connect with other people in the class
2. The instructor should show more facial expressions and use the voice well, so that students feel like listening and talking to you
3. Allow some time for students to read and think and ask them to switch off their camera for a few mins of quiet reading if needed so they can focus
4. Encourage students to respond to you with the tick and cross buttons. It’s very quick. There’s no need to use a poll all the time
5. Refer to the student names when they contribute to the whiteboard interactive activities so that they feel their own presence and their contribution being acknowledged. On Zoom you can tell who has written what on the whiteboard on teacher’s view. Encourage students to explain some of their answers and comment on other people’s answers.