(圖片來源: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/57983913924731419)
昨晚看了Cable TV不經剪接的現場直播,醒來在TVB新聞看到剪接後截然不同的版本。是因為剪接嗎? 是因為拍攝角度嗎? 反正世間上不存在能把一切事情360度攝入鏡的方法,每個攝影機都有它的角度,每個人都有他看事情的角度。
The incident last night reminded me of a picture like this. The more I look at it, the more ambiguous it has become.
The live uncut broadcast on Cable TV last night was quite different from the news on TVB today. And there's no way you can shoot everything from all angles. Each camera has its own angle. Each person has his own perspective.