2013年11月28日 星期四

The top ten things I wish I'd known as a first year teacher

距離還是first year teacher已有一段時間,但看到以下的清單,還是覺得頗為真實的。如果時光倒流,可以看到那時候的自己,應該都幾好笑,但又因為甚麼都不懂,才會覺得這份工作很刺激很有新鮮感。

1) Don't eat lunch in the teachers' lounge.
2) Post instructions as often as possible on the board
3) Use teacher detentions for minor infractions 
4) Procedure the heck out of everything 
5) Don't ever be less than 100% nice and accommodating to clerks/receptionists
6) Think really hard about friending anyone from school on Facebook
7) Be firm, but kind.
8) Set life boundaries
9) Don't compare yourself to other teachers about things that don't matter.
10) Go in humble, ready to learn, and ready to laugh at yourself. 

(Source: http://www.loveteachblog.com/2013/05/the-top-ten-things-i-wish-id-known-as.html)
